
Showing posts from June, 2020

Blogging Task #6: Rich Descriptions of my Teaching

Rich Descriptions of my Teaching  One of my colleagues very kindly observed me teaching writing. This was our second writing lesson where the learners were beginning to plan their ideas.  Observation notes What are my strengths?  - Modelling an example that all learners can access - Co constructing a success criteria - Extending higher learners What are my areas for development?  - giving lows a list with relevant vocabulary to help with the fluency - Allow time for learners to talk about their ideas first help them with developing ideas  - provide a template help provide more structure What are my learners doing when they are not with me?  They are getting on with the task but it is not clear what they do when they have finished. At the moment they require support from me to extend their learning. What are the opportunities for - vocabulary building? - to give feedback?  - Opportunities to build vocab were given duri...

Research - conversation with expert

As my focus is on raising achievement of Māori boys, I thought I would tap into an expert in our school; Lynn. Lynn is the lead for Te Puawaitanga in our school, PE teacher and is confident in speaking te reo Māori.  How can I incorporate more te reo Māori into my writing session?  - Learn some key phrases and repeat over and over again  - Māori games - Te Puawaitanga learners will automatically be experts in this space - Incorporate language through concept learning  How can I include more movement and PE into my writing sessions?  - Make writing about physical moving e.g narrative with a game context - what will you see/hear/feel in a game?  - Instructional writing - how to play a game - connect to Māori games  - PE is a good opportunity to put kids in the learning pit in a different space  There is a direct relationship with PE to writing so if we boost PE, we should be able to boost writing. 

Blogging task #5: Use of baseline data at the end of the year

Task: Explain how some of the data you have used to build a profiles of the students learning will be used as baseline data at the end of the year.  How I will measure data throughout the year:  - Schooltalk Progressions  - EasTTle writing term 1 and 4  - Student voice survey  - Writing samples  How can I measure engagement using observations/videos of my teaching?  How can I include whanau voice in my data?  All of this data will be able to be compared to at the end of the year. I hope to see an increase in writing achievement in my target group of learners. I also hope that the student voice survey will be used as a measure for learner engagement.  I am still considering other tools that could measure learner engagement. Do I use lesson observations from other teachers in my hub? Or could I video my lessons now and compare them later in the year?  I am also considering how I can involve whanau in this inquiry. How can I use their voice...

Blogging task #4 : My hypotheses

Using the evidence from my preliminary findings and academic research, I have developed the following hypotheses:  1) If I choose topics that appeal to boys, will I have more engagement?  2) If I offer a range of vocabulary building opportunities during planning stages, will learners have more success in coming up with ideas for writing?  3) If I offer more opportunities for learners to give and receive feedback, will they have a better sense of achievement and belief in themselves?  4) If I allow opportunities for learners to explore their identity through strengths and interests, will I see more engagement?  5) If I separate handwriting and spelling entirely from writing, will that change the attitude towards writing?  6) If I design learning that includes a range of fitness, movement and game breaks, will I have more engagement?  7) If I provide opportunities for risks to be taken and mistakes to be made (learning pit), will boys have a higher value...

Blogging task #3 Academic and Professional Research

Blogging task #3:   Share three pieces of academic or professional reading and explain how they and other sources helped your form hypotheses about aspects of teaching that might contribute to current patterns of learning. I started my research looking into previous studies around boys engagement into writing. I felt very fortunate that there was a lot of research and findings already out there that aligned with the needs of my learners. Reading one:  "Boys will learn like boys"  - Education Gazette NZ 2015 Key findings:  Interests - by meeting the interests of the boys, you are likely to build a sense of trust from the learners and they will develop confidence in their own skills. The article uses the example of sports to interest their target learners.  Engagement - Narrative writing is the genre that is going to allow the most imagination. Learners will need support in the planning process and lots of opportunities for vocabulary building and brains...