#12 Rich Picture of My Teaching

I had my amazing colleague Anita observe me teaching writing.  She made the following comments: 

Observation: Emma Clark Writing 29/07/21

 Following a clear pathway using the learning process 

Which links to the writing process 

Building knowledge - building communities spent two sessions on creating communities

Making meaning - Labeling pictures, making a list of what/who is in the community.

Supporting Student Support Learners - providing one on one support 

Continuing to make meaning by recording the senses 


  • Learners engaged and pick up the learning straight from where they left - using their models they created, recapping on prior knowledge using photos.

  • Learners using tools and strategies (writing frames) to support the structure of their writing. 

  • Gifting language - learners experiencing success. 

  • Supporting with putting the ideas into sentences. 

  • Providing group an one on one support

  • Digital / paper modeling book to support 


  • Teacher conferencing - by having learners in groups, can pull each group to conference with, can touch base with each child.

  • Good strategy to give independent writing task to Student Support

  • A focus on the publishing and presentation, learners knowing the audience and making it authentic. 

Thanks you for a rich, and real writing experience linked to the concept of community. You’ve made it hands on to engage learners. The collaboration is evident within your colleague, it’s powerful! 

It would be awesome for your learners to share their published learning.

REFLECTION: I think my learning design is hitting the mark. The writing experience is rich and real and relates to our term concept learning. It was nice to hear that learners are engaged in the learning and the learning design is appropriate for all abilities.

NEXT STEPS: More structured teacher conferencing. I hope to set this up so that learners are reflecting on their success criteria what their next steps are and sign up for workshops accordingly. In order to make the audience purposeful and real for my learners, I want them to publish on a live platform where others will give feedback. I would also like to share this with whānau. In order for this to be successful, I will need to scaffold the learners to make appropriate and helpful comments. I will start with the Manaiakalani website for commenting templates.


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