
Showing posts from March, 2019

DFI Session 4: Sharing Data

Sharing Data Sharing via social networking is the hook for these learners. This does not replace how we would usually share learning eg certificates, art work displays, stickers from the principal etc  Sharing with a purpose:  The audience is real! We are able to bring authenticity to the idea of sharing. We want learners to be able to finish tasks so they are set up for the future. “People who choose to listen to you” Dorothy Burt 2007 There is benefits of both ‘sharing to finish learning’ as well as ‘sharing to learn’ An example of sharing to learn might be that a learner uploads their draft to a blog to receive feedback/next steps. In order for people to follow/ read my blog, I need to be commenting on other people blogs. I can view my blog traffic feed by a tracking widget. Here is a video that explains cyber safety. Google Forms Test your knowledge about capital cities around the world here. How to use in the c...

Post 2: How and why I have selected this inquiry

Although the Manaiakalani data shows that writing is an area that is progressing, the data from my school shows that there is still low achievement in writing in the junior school. I also believe that I will be able to connect this inquiry with my reading program and hopefully see shifts in that data as well. Because of the high number of ESOL learners in my hub, I am very interested in implementing ESOL strategies into my daily teaching and in particular, my writing program. Biligingual learning benefits - A report written by ERO in 2016. It states that there are approximately 160 spoken languages in Auckland and 39% of Auckland residents were born outside of NZ. This report discusses the benefits of learning 2 languages and the importance of children to value and acknowledge their home language. It seems that children are coming to school more and more with Oral Language delays and this could be one of the reasons why learners are struggling with writing. This is som...

DFI Session 3: So much fun getting creative!

Today was so much fun. We focused on the Create aspect of the Manaikalani Learn Create Share and I learned so many new tricks to get creative with my learners as well as how to use Google tools creatively as a resource for my teaching.  Create Children from the day they are born love to create! But somewhere along the way, it gets knocked out of them. Sir Ken Robinson - advocates for creativity in schools. Interview about beliefs on creativity in schools.   Employers need and want people who are creative! How could I use the create aspect for literacy - in particular Oral Language? Slides to Create Digital technologies are such a hook for our young people. With the removal of paper and pen writing results has improved!! Children can now focus on being creative writers. However how can we use technology to empower creativity in reading and maths? Do we have time for learners to learn, create and share throughout every d...

Post 1: My Inquiry Focus for 2019

I teach in a year 2/3 hub with 140 learners across 6 teachers. I plan to focus on achievement challenge 2: lift the achievement in writing for boys year 1-10. At our school, we have identified that children are entering school with lower oral language capabilities than is expected. With this in mind, I would like to focus on increasing opportunities for learners to speak across all curriculum areas. The 2018 writing data shows that only 17.48% of year 2s (my current year 3s) were working at or above. This means that 82.52% are working below where they need to be for writing. After completing our EasTTle writing sample in term one, we discovered these results: 1P is where these year 2 learners should be at as they have just completed year 1. 1A is where these year 3 learners should be at after completing year 2. This data shows that 56% of year 2s are below national norms and 75% of year 3s. When looking at the EasTTle scores I noticed that the scores for v...

Digital Fluency Intensive Session 2: How to make your life more efficient by using Google Keep and Google Meet

Manaiakalani - Learn Train tracks - down 1 side you have the effective teacher and teaching and down the other side you have digital tools. They both go hand in hand together. Teacher effectiveness is vital in the digital world - technology is not replacing teachers What Learn looks like in the NZC: Contextualised to suit schools and communities Learners learn in partnership with highly effective teachers and teaching What Learn looks like in my school: The learning process is teaching learners how to learn and to understand what learning looks like and feels like. Great teaching + digital affordances = acceleration! The NZC written in 2007 - things haven’t actually changed. Rewindable learning - learners have the options to now be learning outside if school hours. Make learning ubiquitous Use technology to capture! If its worth TEACHING, its worth capturing. If its worth LEARNING, its worth capturing. Google Keep: Amazing!! ...