Digital Fluency Intensive Session 2: How to make your life more efficient by using Google Keep and Google Meet

Manaiakalani - Learn

Train tracks - down 1 side you have the effective teacher and teaching and down the other side you have digital tools.
They both go hand in hand together.

Teacher effectiveness is vital in the digital world - technology is not replacing teachers

What Learn looks like in the NZC:

Contextualised to suit schools and communities
Learners learn in partnership with highly effective teachers and teaching

What Learn looks like in my school:

The learning process is teaching learners how to learn and to understand what learning looks like and feels like.

Great teaching + digital affordances = acceleration!

The NZC written in 2007 - things haven’t actually changed.

Rewindable learning - learners have the options to now be learning outside if school hours. Make learning ubiquitous

Use technology to capture! If its worth TEACHING, its worth capturing.

If its worth LEARNING, its worth capturing.

Google Keep:

Great place to set up lists - eg shopping list.
- You can set up your notifications to have a location so if you set it for where you need to go it will remind.
- You can share with anyone
Great way to save a website.webpage/google doc etc
- Tag labels so that it easy to find later
Pin lists so that the ones you need are at the top
Grab image text - take a photo and it will type everything for you!
Take voice notes on your phone and it will automatically be on you Google keep drive
Is attached to Gmail - add tasks from emails to Keeps

I think this will be useful to take notes during teaching - which can be attached to my digital modelling books.
Also incredibly useful for getting photos from your phone to your drive
It would also be useful for keeping hub minutes!


Had a play around with settings.
Changed it so that unread comes up first.
Added some labels so that I can organise emails a bit better.

Google hangouts/meet:

You can join as a group
If you want to present what you have on your screen, click present  now
Get children on Google hangout and talk about a book etc - could add onto Magical Kingdom as book review
Could get children to read their writing back to each other - give feedback
Buddy reading
If you want to record meeting - use quicktime record

Taming the tabs:

Extension - one tab - will take your tabs off and put them into a list
Extension - Toby Mini - create collections of tabs and access them quickly - you do need all tabs open to create a collection

- Click record screen time

Using Google Meet to record a  conversation:

This was really fun!
We had a look at some awesome blog posts from learners who did a summer learning challenge.
I looked at this one: Katelyns summer learning journey  and while I was reading it I was thinking about the following questions.
What was the teaching design behind this post?
What was the learner’s response ie the post content
Who responded to the post and how did this support the learning experience or contribute more to the learning of the child?
We then joined a group Hangout and fed back our thinking around this blog.

Here is the video that we recorded via Quicktime:


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