Oral Language in the Classroom

Jannie van Hees visited our CoL meeting and talked to us about growing our learners language capabilities. 

She discussed how as teachers, we need to optimise learning conditions. The following ideas really stood out for me: 

  • Noticing and responding 
  • Effortful and purposeful engagement and interaction
  • ALL participating - does this mean no hands up? What is my classroom 'talk culture'?
  • Triggering the known to connect to the new - The Stonefields learning process is allowing opportunities for this. 
Learners need to: 
  • Participate fully
  • Dig deeper - am I allowing them opportunities to do this? 
  • Learn from others
  • Share - am I allowing time for this? 
  • Think and talk 
  • Wonderings and askings - this can be related to the Stonefields learner qualities. 


Am I giving opportunities for learners to add more detail? 
What does strategic turn taking look like in my hub? 
Are we deep diving into text? Really focusing on language? 

Image result for reading and writing is floating on a sea of language


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