TAI Post # 12: Evaluating the Intervention
1. Summarise evidence about key changes in teaching and other factors that influence student learning.
2. Summarise evidence about key shifts in the problem of student learning.
3. Write an overall evaluation of your intervention in terms of the causal chain you had theorised. i.e. To what extent was the intervention successful in changing factors such as teaching? To what extent were those changes in teaching effective in changing patterns of student learning?
Quantitative Data:
Running Record data:
One of my main assessment measures for this inquiry was running record data.
I was very pleased with the data shift with most of my target learners. There were 2 learners in particular who did not seem to benefit from my intervention.
At the beginning of the year my students’ on average had a score of 13 for their running record which was below for year 2 and well below for year 3. At the end of the year my students’ on average had a score of 18 which was about where they should be for year 2 and below for year 3. On average, my inquiry students gained 5 levels whereas students in the norm made 3 or 4 levels and students in the comparison group made 4 levels. Overall I conclude that students’ progress was more than expected progress.
Combi Tool data:
We were very lucky at Stonefield's to be trialling Jannie Van Hees' Combi Tool as a measure for oral language capabilities.
There were definitely some teething issues. One issue arose when different teachers were completing the form for the pre and post assessment of the same learner. I believe this to be where we have seen some learners go backwards in the Combi Tool data.
Qualitative Data:
Aspect of teaching
Evidence of teaching before intervention
Evidence of teaching after intervention
Judgement about how much you shifted
Reflection time
I did not have reflection time timetabled in for any of my lessons. I asked my target learners some reflective questions and they struggled to answer any of them in term 1. I also did not have any visual resources or templates in place to support the learning
I put time into my timetable for learners to attend workshops for how to reflect on their learning. I then put it in their must do’s for reading and writing using the allocated prompts. I asked the same learners, the same questions term 4. Learners were able to successfully use reflection prompts to answer questions.
Although I think I could still further imbed this into everyday practice, I feel my learners have made good progress in their abilities to reflect on their learning.
Increase of oral language activities
Before I started this inquiry, I did not have a bank of oral language resources and activities that I used in my literacy teaching.
After conversations with others and research I have discovered a variety of oral language resources and activities. I have implemented them into my daily timetable as well as into my learners independent literacy activities.
I am confident that I have a good knowledge of useful resources and activities that are appropriate to support the learning.
Change to use of paper modelling books and digital modelling books.
Before I started this inquiry, I used only digital modelling books to share the learning with my learners.
I was concerned that my learners were not developing their agency during my lessons. I decided to implement the use of paper modelling books so that I could share the LI and success criteria easily with learners.
Each reading group has their own modelling book and I have seen them using the modelling books interactively for follow up activities as well as checking success criteria. I feel this has been extremely useful in developing agency of my learners.
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