#7 Findings from my Student Challenge

Share your findings about the nature and extent of the student challenge. Make sure it is clear what evidence from your inquiry supports each finding.




Learner voice 

  • Low assessment capabilities 

  • Do not understand the purpose for writing 

  • Do not understand next steps 

If I offer regular opportunities for feedback, will they be more assessment capable? 

If I find opportunities for learners to write on a range of meaningful, authentic and purposeful writing topics, will they have more to say/write about? 

Gap analysis and writing samples 

  • Low assessment capabilities 

  • Areas with the most gaps are vocab, sentence structure, spelling, writing legibility, punctuation 

If I explicitly teach learners spelling patterns and develop a structured spelling programme, will these gaps close? 

If I explicitly teach handwriting and have this as a separate learning programme to literacy, will this remove the barrier? 

If I have mixed ability flexible workshops based on writing skills, will these gaps be targeted effectively? 

If I increase opportunities to build vocabulary and places for learners to access new vocab, will this transfer into their writing? 


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