#3 Discussion with Leadership

Summarise the discussion you had with your school leader(s) about your proposed inquiry focus and their reaction to this

As you can see from the data in the previous post, writing is our focus across our school. With a particular focus on raising the achievement of Māori boys. 

After a discussion with my fellow CoL teachers (Anita and Sammy) we feel there is a space for development in how we deliver feedback to our learners for their writing. 

I would like to collaborate with this shared goal around feedback but with the focus being around making writing purposeful for all learners. 

During a discussion with the year 3 and 4 Assistant Principal, I came up with the following ideas: 

  • How can I make writing more purposeful for all learners? Is the learning meaningful and relatable? 

  • How can learners give and receive meaningful feedback that is relevant to their learning? Does this lead to agency? 

  • How can an audience from whānau make writing purposeful? Could whānau be included in the feedback piece? 

Notes from discussion:


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