#1 2021 is off to a great start!
I’m really looking forward to jumping straight into my inquiry for 2021 and so excited that we are taking a more collaborative approach to our inquiries this year. We have started off collaborating with a digital connect with my fellow CoL teachers (Anita and Sammy) where we had a brainstorm about where we would like to head this year with our inquiries.
Our discussion focus was around raising achievement in writing.
The brainstorm included:
Have flexi connects with a learner and parent after school (virtual or physical) to discuss the feedback given throughout the week (the successes, challenges, and next steps).
Provide further School Talk support and other workshops for whānau to strengthen home-school partnerships.
Gather whānau voice of what is going to help when giving and receiving feedback?
Create and use strategies and tools to give feedback/feedforward in writing.
Create agency for our learners when sharing and co-constructing feedback by using the success criteria.
Share exemplars of what writing we are trying to achieve, and unpack writing progressions.
Taking feedback a step forward and sharing this with colleagues.
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