#19 Summarise evidence about key changes in teaching and other factors that influence student learning.

Summarise evidence about key changes in teaching and other factors that influence student learning.

Evaluating shifts in teaching

Aspect of teaching

Evidence of teaching before intervention

Evidence of teaching after intervention

Judgement about how much you shifted 

Explicitly model and teach them how to use specific thinking skills like ‘identify’, ‘explore’ and ‘notice’  in the learning process to break down the different elements of reading,  

  • Video of teaching. Not using thinking skills explicitly. 

  • Planning has changed. The slides explicitly state which thinking skills to use in each part of the SL sessions. 

  • Use of cut up LP thinking skills so learners make connections. 

  • I use the thinking skills intuitively in my teaching now. 

  • Learners have more than doubled the amount they are using thinking skills to support them in their learning. 

Explicitly teach literacy in a structured and consistent way through daily workshops,

  • ST progressions do not explicitly teach decoding 

  • Reading workshops focused on sight words, using pictures to decode, comprehension strategies 

  • Following a clear Scope and Sequence which allows learners crack the code of reading 

  • Teaching practise has completely changed to follow Scope and Sequence

Learning Process shifts 


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