Post #6 Hypotheses about patterns in my teaching.

*Develop a set of hypotheses about patterns in your teaching that could be changed to more effectively address the student learning focus.*Describe your process for developing hypotheses (what you read, who you talked with).


Am I giving my learners the opportunities to reflect on their learning?

I noticed that my learners weren’t reflecting on their learning. They were unable to discuss whether they had been successful in their learning, what helped them with their learning and what they might be doing next. I have spoken with many teachers at Stonefield's about how the learner qualities could be used as a tool for reflection. 


Are my learners able to discuss in detail about their learning and make decisions about that learning? 

I asked my learners to tell me what their next steps were and they were unable to do so. I attended a literacy symposium where I learnt different strategies to gift learners the vocabulary they might need.
We use Schooltalk to look at gap analysis but do these learners understand it? If I gave them some visuals to support, would they have a better understanding of the progressions? 

Next steps/feedback:

Do my learners understand what their next steps are? Are they able to give and receive feedback about their learning?

We use Schooltalk to look at gap analysis but do these learners understand it? If I gave them some visuals to support, would they have a better understanding of the progressions? There is a lot of teacher to student feedback given in each lesson but it would be beneficial for them to give and receive feedback from themselves and each other. 

Contributions to discussion/discourse: 

Are my learners confident to contribute to discussions?

After completing the Combi Tool, I noticed that there are some learners who are not confident to share and express themselves. After discussions with Jannie Van Hees and PLD around oral language I have reflected on whether I am offering my learners enough opportunities to share and express themselves. 


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