DFI - Session 7: Devices


Hapara is so useful. I can just log onto Hapara and I have access to my learners screens.
Reflection: How am I using this to monitor the learning on the iPads? This might be easier for getting evidence onto Schooltalk.

Manaiakalani and 1:1 devices

With this mindset, Manaikalani decided to to go into partnership with whanau to purchase all learners iPads (juniors) and Chrome books (seniors).
Three P's - the same as the Treaty of Waitangi.


It is important for us to understand what it feels like for our learners when using their devices. We did a digital dig on a Chromebook to learn the basics. This was interesting to realise how long it actually takes learners, as well as how their shortcuts and mouse trackers are quite different to my teacher Macbook.
We did a digital dig on a Chromebook where we had to figure out all the shortcuts on a Chromebook.
Reflection: Make sure I understand how the learners devices work before setting tasks.


Explain Everything is such an incredible tool for learners and it links up to programmes that learners will use later on such as photoshop and jamboard. 
Ideas for EE in lessons: Creating an animation from their reading book.Explain Everything is an amazing tool that is replacing (+ more) a workbook. Use Explain Everything player to access Explain Everything on my Mac. Reflection: How am I using Explain Everything to empower learning? Interactive follow ups? This is an amazing way to enhance their oral language. Could we use this for handwriting? Do we need iPad pens?

My Pepeha: 

I created this Pepeha on pepeha.nz


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