DFI Session 9: Computational Thinking
Reflection: Could I do a karakia each day with my learners?
Manaiakalani - Ubiquitous
Ubiquitous learning means that if we are not in the classroom for a day, we can leave great lessons for them digitally.
Through ubiquitous learning, learners will be able to keep up their learning over the summer holidays. Manaiakalani have created a Summer Learning Journey
Evidence shows that learners who were blogging over the summer (3 times a week) made 7 months progress in 6 weeks.
Ubiquitous carries the idea that learning takes places outside of the traditional school/classroom in the digital era.
Reminder: Digital is NOT just a tool - it is changing the lives of our learners.
We played this game using computational thinking. We had to get in order from where we were born New Zealand > England.
Reflection: We could use this in class for maths (height order, age, birthdays) etc
She has become a citizen! She has rights! She cannot be turned off!
Skin Vision
An app that can check your skin for skin cancer. It has a better Autonomous Flying cars They are being tested in New Zealand!10 breakthrough technologies 2019
Driverless cars
Teaching morals to learners moral machine
What does driverless mean?
Who programmed the car?
Who makes the decisions about what rules it follows?
Who gets in trouble if someone gets hurt?
NZ has the best legislations in the world for new technologies. We were the first country in the world to get eftpos. We have great infrastructure and we have the space to try these new technologies.
How are we going to teach learners about all of this incredible technologies that are coming to NZ?
Gaming - Fortnite, Minecraft
Using binary to code
Nobody will actually code in binary.
Hour of code
This is an excellent coding introduction.
I could introduce my learners to this for coding. It would also be excellent for positional language as well as appealing to learners because of the minecraft theme.
Scratch allows you to set up a teacher account and set up classes.
I can set up tasks with set amounts of blocks.
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