TAI Post #11: Monitoring my inquiry

My Inquiry so far: Term 3 2019

Main changes I have made to my teaching: 
1. Introduce a range of different oral language activities and strategies in reading and writing. 
2. Allow time for reflection in reading and writing time

The first change was easy, I implemented a huge variety of games into my morning routine. We spent the first 15 minutes of the day playing games and talking. It was fun and the kids loved it! 
These activities were transferred into our reading programme. Learners were being agentic by choosing the activities that they wanted to do during reading time through this magical map: 
I found that these activities were fun and engaging for learners. They were being agentic by choosing games and activities that they enjoyed. But.. I wanted more. My goal was for the learners to develop agency in literacy. I wanted them to have a better understanding of their learning and next steps.

My student voice showed that my learners STILL had no idea when asked the following questions..

What did you learn about today in reading? 
Do you know what you need to do to help you with that learning? 
Do you know what your next learning steps are? 
How do you know that you have been successful with your learning? 
How do you share your learning with others? 
So I changed up my reading programme:
I found the switch to paper modelling books so helpful because: It is a place where they can record their learning. They own it! They can look back to see previous learning The LI and SC are displayed clearly for them to see.  

We now have must do's and can do's: 

They are still being agentic by choosing in their can do’s. However their must do’s are more targeted to their learning. 

The whole design of it still has loads of talking! The learners are able to see (digitally and physically) where their learning is. 

The second change was not as easy. Time is always an issue!
I have allowed time and given tools to support reflection of learning. 
This is something I felt I was able to do in both reading and writing. 
I started out with a focus on learner qualities. I found it was easier to focus on one learner quality at a time and give the learners some sentence starters to prompt this reflection. Now reflecting on learner qualities is part of their must do’s. 

So far I have seen some incredible shift in reading data: 
Important to note that this is only 3 of my target learners. There are 2 learners that I am still struggling to make shift..

What do I need to change to ensure that I am seeing shift from ALL learners? 


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