#1 Summarise the challenge of student learning you plan to focus on in this inquiry

#1 Summarise the challenge of student learning you plan to focus on in this inquiry. Be as clear and specific as you can about the evidence you have about this to date. 

This year has started off so well! Our learners have settled in to their new hub and my amazing hub mate Jess and I have set up great routines in the hub. We feel very fortunate to have a group of children who are keen to dive straight into the learning. 

We have identified that literacy learning is a need in our hub. We have 12 learners who are working below where they should be for reading. We have learners working within red, yellow, blue, green and orange levels of the colour wheel. We have identified that the learners in these groups are either ESOL learners or are on our Student Support register. 

We have decided to focus on ‘Improve the achievement of students with additional needs in the learning areas of English/key competency using language symbols and texts’

Reading Data - Term 1 2022

Reading level 




2 learners

See graph below 


2 learners 

See graph below


2 learners 

Recall my BLUE sight words, Recognise lots of words when I read, Explaining that compound words are made of two words (e g into, upstairs, downstairs), Add verb endings to base words (e g look, looks, looking, looked), Identify and read diagraphs (e g ph-), Identify blends like bl, cr, tr, Recognise simple word famiiles


3 learners 

Identifying word endings -er, -y, -tion, -ent, -ly, Summarising main ideas, inferring 


3 learners 

Identifying vowel sounds ea, ow, ai, oi, Making connections, inferring 

Observations for these student support learners: 

  • Phonemic awareness is low

  • Early words knowledge is low

  • Some gaps in phonological awareness

Although this whole school data shows that we have a higher percentage of learners working with in or above their expected level for reading than writing, we have observed that the learners in our hub who are underachieving in writing are also underachieving in reading. 

If we can figure out what is going on for these learners in reading, could it transfer into writing as well?


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