Tools/measures/approaches I plan to use
Below are a list of tools/measures/approaches that I plan to use to get a more detailed and accurate profile of students’ learning in relation to writing.
e-asTTle writing data: I plan to use this data to compare the levels of progress from term 1 and term 4. This will show me areas in writing that the learners have improved on. The questionnaire at the beginning of the e-asTTle will also indicate if there has been a shift in learners viewpoints around writing.
Phonics/spelling assessment: I haven't decided the best way to measure this but I have been looking into Yolanda Soryl's phonics programme and how I might be able to do an assessment in Term 1 and Term 4 to measure the progress my learners have made in phonics.
Schooltalk gap analysis: A Schooltalk gap analysis will show me where my learners have gaps in their writing. I will be able to track and record the progress of my target learners throughout the whole year on Schooltalk.
Learner voice: I would like to gather some data around what my learners might be struggling with in writing and why they believe they are struggling. For this, I will need to video interview my learners. I hope to integrate the learning pit and the learner qualities into this conversation.
Wonderings: How can I collect data from whanau and keep them engaged throughout the year?
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